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Introducing Carlos Gabriel Silva Stédile: Bling’s First Remote Employee

Introducing Carlos Gabriel Silva Stédile: Bling’s First Remote Employee

Carlos recently joined the Bling's R&D team as our first remote employee. On a recent visit to Israel, we had the opportunity to sit down with him and learn more about his background as a developer.

Carlos Collage

The Unexpected Journey of a Military Brat Turned Computer Scientist

Carlos lives in Jatai, a small city located in the middle region of Brazil. He grew up in a family with a military background, which meant moving around a lot. At the age of three, his father bought a large, white computer with a screen and some games for him to play with. This early exposure to gaming sparked a love for computing that has stayed with him ever since.

Some of the places that Carlos has lived:

Carlos Map

Fast forward to high school, where Carlos was planning to study psychology. Many of his friends were interested in computer science and convinced him to take the entrance exam for a public university. Despite having little knowledge about computer science, Carlos passed the exam and went on to study computer science.

In the end, the friends who had encouraged him to take the exam did not pass and did not go on to study computer science. This left Carlos as the only one in the group to pursue a degree in the subject.

From University Dropout to Predicting Dropouts with AI

It's interesting how life can take you on unexpected journeys and how the support and encouragement of friends can make all the difference. In this case, a love for gaming and a supportive community helped lead Carlos to a successful career in computer science.

When Carlos first went to university, he wasn't very applied and didn't put in the effort needed to, and as a result, after two years, he had to drop out. His father, who was in the army, was transferred to São Paulo and he was unable to transfer to a university there. But after leaving university, he realized how important education was in his life. So for most of 2015, he studied hard and prepared for the national exam.

In 2016, he started his university journey in a new city. As a determined student, he was eager to learn and make the most out of his time at the university. He quickly connected with professors and began conducting research in the field of AI and virtual and augmented reality.

Through his work with these professors, Carlos learned about the potential uses of augmented reality in psychology, specifically for treating phobias such as arachnophobia and fear of flying. He also conducted research on the use of virtual reality to help with the treatment of fear of public speaking and general anxiety and gamification in university education, specifically using a tool called Kahoot.

After a year of research and tests using gamification with university classes, he found that students were able to learn and retain information much more effectively than with traditional teaching methods. This experience taught Carlos the value of combining technology and education.

From the gamification research, he created a model that would help teachers identify students at risk of dropping out of university using data from Kahoot. The answers students gave on Kahoot and the test results were used as a predictive factor for dropping out. Creating a neural network to analyze the results, he was able to predict which students were most likely to drop out. The results were impressive. Before implementing this AI, the university had around 80% dropout rate for its computer science program. But with the help of AI, the teachers could focus more on students that were identified as possible dropouts and increase the number of students completing the CS course.

He even published some articles about his research!

Carlos publishes his research

The "Breath of Fresh Air" That is Working at Blings

His first roles coming out of school were as a freelancer. He found most of these opportunities through the internet, specifically on LinkedIn. In July, he updated his profile with his experience, and soon after, he was contacted by someone from Blings. His initial interview with Blings founder Yonathan was a bit rocky. But overall, he is glad that he was able to find Blings and become a part of the team.

“Working at Blings is the best job I've ever had. The people here are really nice and they know what they're doing. In contrast to other companies I've worked for, the managers at Blings actually understand the development process and don't just make arbitrary requests. It's been a breath of fresh air,” said Carlos.

Carlos at the Blings office

One thing that really stands out to him about this company is the product. Blings offers a level of customization that is truly impressive and it's clear a lot of thought was put into it.

In today's world, interactivity in video has become an essential tool for both marketing and content creation. Blings has developed a powerful tool that allows anyone to engage with their audience in new and exciting ways.

On a personal note, he is also looking forward to the day when his girlfriend finishes university and they can travel the world together and pursue their dreams.

Overall, he is excited about the future and the potential of the product to help people connect and engage with their audience through interactive videos.

Year-In-Review Video Campaigns: Why Your Brand Needs Them

Year-In-Review Video Campaigns: Why Your Brand Needs Them

Introduction Year-in-review video campaigns are a great way to celebrate your brand’s accomplishments and connect with your audience. They can be used to highlight your successes, share your story, and build excitement for the year ahead. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of year-in-review video campaigns, how to create one, and examples of …

Why Personalized Videos are Key to Employee Onboarding and Engagement

Why Personalized Videos are Key to Employee Onboarding and Engagement

Introduction In today’s competitive job market, attracting top talent is only half the battle. The other half is ensuring that new hires are fully integrated into the company and engaged with their work. Employee onboarding videos have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to streamline the onboarding process and improve employee engagement. …

Why Timelines Matter: The Key to Creating Compelling Videos

Why Timelines Matter: The Key to Creating Compelling Videos

I’ve been creating videos, particularly animation, for a long time. It’s my passion. Recently, I’ve been focusing on the difference between compelling business videos and those for pure entertainment. After working with many Blings customers on conceptualizing and creating MP5 videos, I’ve come up with some guidelines to help focus the creative process on creating video that serves a purpose.

Traditionally we start at storyboarding and It’s a crucial step for any video creator, but when creating an immersive experience, we also need to take wireframing into consideration. Although the difference between the two may not seem significant, wireframing plays a crucial role in the planning of the video before storyboarding and design. By creating a wireframe, you can better visualize the flow and structure of your video, allowing you to make more informed decisions about how to approach your storyboard and design.

Wireframing outlines the full story and scope of the project. When working with an interactive and dynamic video, wireframing becomes even more important, as we may be dealing with multiple timelines and triggers that make up a complex journey. By wireframing the entire video and understanding the narrative we want to tell, we can then introduce different types of timelines to help us tell that story. 

What is a Timeline?

MP5 gives video creators and storytellers the tools to create videos that are more engaging and interactive by utilizing the different types of supported timelines. 

There are three main types of timelines that MP5 opens up for us; the regular linear timeline, the user-triggered behavioral timeline, and the data-triggered timeline. The availability of these timeline alternatives opens up new possibilities for creating smart and personalized videos. Let’s go deeper into each timeline type.

    1. Linear Timeline

The first type of timeline is the standard linear timeline. Linear timelines are the most common and are the standard for traditional video content. These timelines have a set sequence of events that the viewer follows from beginning to end. It starts at zero seconds and goes in a linear way until the end of the video. This has traditionally been thought of as a single block, where you can move forward or backward, but not up or down in parallel universes.

However, with the advent of MP5, we now have the ability to have multiple timelines and even parallel universes within our videos. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities for video creators.

    1. Behavioral TimelineBehavioral-Timeline

The second type is the behavioral timeline, also known as the user-triggered timeline. This type of timeline is waiting for input from the user to continue to the next stage. This could be in the form of a question, input field, or multiple choice. Depending on the response, the timeline will branch off in different directions, allowing for a personalized experience for each viewer.

For example, let's say you're watching a McDonald's commercial. At the end of the first timeline, you're asked a question. Depending on your answer, you'll be directed to a new timeline that is tailored to your response. If you choose the correct answer, you'll be taken in one direction, and if you choose the wrong answer, you'll be taken in another direction. This allows for a more interactive and engaging experience for the viewer.

    1. Data-triggered TimelineData Triggered Timeline

The third type of timeline is the data-triggered timeline. This type of timeline is based on data that we know about the viewer. For example, we could create a timeline that shows the top movies that a viewer has watched in the past year. Depending on how many movies they've watched, the scene will be different for each viewer. Some people will see a scene with five movies, while others will see a scene with four, three, two, or even one movie. This allows for a highly unique and personalized experience for each viewer. 

When thinking about data-driven timelines, we have to think about the data that we have and how we can break it down into different segments. For example, if we have groups of people who have things in common, we can personalize their timelines based on that.

When creating a data-driven timeline, the first step is to look at the call to action that you want to achieve and then you can then look at the data and see how it can be used to achieve that goal.

Let’s look at an example of a video we recently created for a large retail chain that was marketing a new loyalty credit card. The company wanted to encourage users to sign up for their credit card, so they segmented the audience based on how much each customer had spent in their stores. Depending on how much a person had spent, they would receive a personalized offer that would be relevant and compelling to their spending category. 

By looking at the data that we have and thinking about our call to action, we can create videos that are tailored to each individual user, which can help to increase engagement and conversions.

  1. The combo

In addition to these three types of timelines, there is also a combination of behavioral and data-triggered timelines. This allows for personalized interactions and scenarios within the video. MP5's ability to create multiple timelines and parallel universes opens up a whole new world of possibilities for video creators. Whether it's a simple chronological timeline or a more complex, user-triggered behavioral timeline, the possibilities are endless.

What Timelines Allow us to do

When creating smart video, I have to consider which type of timeline will best suit the content and the viewer's experience. Linear timelines are great for traditional videos, while behavioral and data-triggered timelines can provide a more interactive and personalized experience.

Overall, understanding the different types of timelines available can help me make more informed decisions when creating smart video.

So what does that mean?

Video is a powerful tool for engaging audiences and driving results. But not all videos are created equal. When it comes to building smart video content, it's important to consider the role of data and behavioral elements in crafting a successful strategy.

At a high level, a "timeline" refers to the way in which a video is structured and presented to viewers. The traditional timeline is linear, meaning that the video unfolds in a chronological, step-by-step manner. This approach is effective for delivering straightforward information or instructional content, but can be less engaging for audiences looking for more interactive or personalized content.

Behavioral timelines, on the other hand, take into account the actions and interests of the viewer in order to tailor the video experience. This approach can be more engaging and effective at driving desired outcomes, but requires a deeper understanding of the audience and their behavior.

Data-based videos go even further, leveraging data and analytics to inform the structure and content of the video. This approach can be highly effective at delivering personalized, engaging experiences, but requires access to robust data sets and the ability to analyze and interpret that data.

Ultimately, the best type of video will depend on the unique needs and goals of the business. A company like McDonald's, with a highly engaged audience, might benefit from a behavioral video that invites viewers to play trivia games or participate in other interactive content. On the other hand, a company like an insurance provider, whose audience may be less interested in interactivity, might be better served by a data-based video that presents personalized information and recommendations based on the viewer's individual needs and preferences.

When it comes to building smart video content, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The best approach will depend on the unique needs and goals of the business, as well as the preferences and behavior of the target audience. By considering both data and behavioral elements, companies can craft video experiences that are engaging, effective, and aligned with their business objectives.

Year-In-Review Video Campaigns: Why Your Brand Needs Them

Year-In-Review Video Campaigns: Why Your Brand Needs Them

Introduction Year-in-review video campaigns are a great way to celebrate your brand’s accomplishments and connect with your audience. They can be used to highlight your successes, share your story, and build excitement for the year ahead. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of year-in-review video campaigns, how to create one, and examples of …

Why Personalized Videos are Key to Employee Onboarding and Engagement

Why Personalized Videos are Key to Employee Onboarding and Engagement

Introduction In today’s competitive job market, attracting top talent is only half the battle. The other half is ensuring that new hires are fully integrated into the company and engaged with their work. Employee onboarding videos have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to streamline the onboarding process and improve employee engagement. …

What Drives Me to Learn and Teach Each Day

What Drives Me to Learn and Teach Each Day

With over 20 years of programming experience, Leo Majowka, VP of Research and Development at Blings, tells us what excites him about Blings and what drives him to continuously learn and teach.


I’m from Brazil originally. Brazil is a massive and diverse country but it lacks the start-up culture that Israel is famous for. I knew that I wanted to come to Israel to expand my career opportunities so I did everything I could to improve my skills. I first fell in love with programming in high school and instantly knew that's it what I wanted to do. I studied computer engineering at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Even so, I was still surprised by the vast number of start-ups and talented individuals when I first arrived in Israel, it was exciting and overwhelming. I immediately started learning Hebrew and any tech I didn't feel strong enough in.

Having worked with video for many years prior, I was very intrigued when I came across the Blings website. I recognized that Blings was working with dynamic video but that it differed significantly from other videos I had seen because it was blazing fast. The fact that Blings had found a way to eliminate the time-consuming and costly rendering process is what drew me to research and interview at Blings.

A deeper look into the role of the VP R&D

Like any software developer, one of the things that my team and I have to deal with are those annoying but inevitable bugs that sneak in. Some bugs are more important than others, and we have to consider many factors like who reported the bug, the risk, and the impact it could have on customers. Prioritizing unanticipated bugs can sometimes be difficult in terms of work assignments and workflow. It’s critical to manage, track, and correct bugs quickly, and using a tracking system gives me the ability to identify which bugs are emergencies and what to do to ensure we had fewer and fewer emergencies moving forward.

I’m a true believer that everyone needs to learn something new every day, even if it's something small. I invest a lot of my time into improving the skills and professionalism of each and every developer on my team. I’m adamant that everyone on the team set aside time to learn something new. From my experience, this pays back double in return.

I think of myself as a pretty relaxed person which I hope wears off on my team. I appreciate a calm and relaxed atmosphere even if it requires extra attention at times of more intense pressure. We have a hybrid model where the whole company is in the office three days a week except for one developer in Brazil. But we are sure to communicate seamlessly every day, whether or not we are in the office or not. I’ve always tried to nurture an environment of collaborative problem-solving and brainstorming. For now, while the team is still small, that level of collaboration comes easily but it is something that I’d like to see continue even as the team expands. I’ve worked at companies that have experienced massive scaling up so I’m aware that some of the techniques we use now won’t work exactly the same when the team grows.

What makes a good developer?

I think it’s as much a person's attitude as is their technical skills. I’ve found Blings developers to be passionate and motivated and eager to come to work and contribute. When interviewing potential developers, I like to give a home exercise to understand their ability to think critically and problem-solve. But honestly, there is also an element of personality chemistry that you can only identify with a face-to-face meeting.

When thinking about a career in R&D, there are two possible paths to pursue, the technical path or the management path. Typically, individuals in this field are either good with computers or people. I think one of my strengths is that I have both. I love people and technology, so I naturally chose the management path.

It’s exciting to have joined Blings at this early stage. It’s still at a stage where I can easily get feedback from customers, monitor the company's growth, get excited by new projects, interact with new customers, and recruit and train new team members.


Year-In-Review Video Campaigns: Why Your Brand Needs Them

Year-In-Review Video Campaigns: Why Your Brand Needs Them

Introduction Year-in-review video campaigns are a great way to celebrate your brand’s accomplishments and connect with your audience. They can be used to highlight your successes, share your story, and build excitement for the year ahead. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of year-in-review video campaigns, how to create one, and examples of …

Why Personalized Videos are Key to Employee Onboarding and Engagement

Why Personalized Videos are Key to Employee Onboarding and Engagement

Introduction In today’s competitive job market, attracting top talent is only half the battle. The other half is ensuring that new hires are fully integrated into the company and engaged with their work. Employee onboarding videos have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to streamline the onboarding process and improve employee engagement. …